9 則留言:
荼聚 > 茶聚
政府招請的AO 已經完全不能代表「精英」二字,因為招請的都不再是「精英」,而只是符合中環口味,「精英」價值的一群自命不凡的「尖子」。他們與不知人間何世的高官是一脈相承,有甚麼樣的高官,他們是這樣的人,有這樣的視野,也就只懂得請回這樣的人。
我不知道其他80後, 只是, 你怎能說你沒有向上游的機會呢? 以你當年從事的政府職系, 只要肯像上一代的人, 胼手胝足熬過十年八載, 要成為高官是指日可待。如你所言, 80後當然沒有縱向機會, 但即使有又如何呢? 樓價這麼高, 即使讓你做到一般的經理級, 月入三四萬吧, 也未必可以負擔一層三百多萬的蝸居, 負擔得起, 但扣除供樓及一般家庭支出後, 想多個錢傍下身都沒有, 還要忍受蝸居的狹窄及隨時會失業的危機, 這樣的縱向機會, 又有什麼意思? 又有什麼滋味? 至於你說的橫向吧, 這個論點很新穎很有道理, 但我懷疑80後的橫向選擇是否真的這麼多? 由一份工轉去另一份工, 假設薪金職級不變, 為的是另類追求或嘗試, 但不同的工種又是否真有很大分別? 或是否真能換得金錢以外的所謂滿足感或你所說的「過程」? 到頭來晃眼來到三十歲, 也不過是兜兜轉轉。順帶一提, 這個社會固然有很多據理力爭有所追求有所夢想的80後, 但還有更多無知無覺耽於眼前逸樂又渾渾噩噩的大多數, 要喚醒他們不易, 他們才真的教我擔心和悲觀。「茉莉花革命」開始在非洲國家蔓延, 或許這股浪潮應該湧一湧來香港, 才能衝擊這裏根深蒂固的舊有價值觀及不道德的地產霸權。
遲職 > 辭職
those who were born in the 1920s and 1930s faced only with wars.
those who were born in the 1940s and 1950s are known as post-war baby boomers. In US, the percentage of baby boomers is over 25% of population (0.3 billion). it's a period of relative peace and economic prosperity. hk is lucky as China just opened her door. in the late 70s, HK was very important to China s HK's GDP was over 25% of China's GDP. job opportunities were further boosted amid migration of people of senior management to Canada, UK, etc.
1920/30s and 1940/50s are extreme cases in human history. hk's success as financial and international centre is also an accident in China's 5000 years history due to wars and closed door policy of China in the 50s and 60s. HK's important role to China is diminishing over the years.
what i want to say is those who were born in 80s and 90s face today is absolutely "normal" in history and in other countries as well. no need to complain.
Yes! '雞同鴨講' is it! They simply don't care to understand the others' situations. It is quite funny that they can comment OPENLY before making an attempt to understand the real world!
Hystericireul: Yes, more and more AOs are disappointing......
Yes, maybe their language skills, interview skills and academic results are good, but many of them simply don't KNOW about the real world. They don't even know how to survive in the office (as they don't need to do so, due to their ranks). Those who have their brains and horizons would not feel happy to stay, haha.
Erhu2hk: 政府有離職潮?WHAT are you talking about? IT was just something happened BEFORE 1997! In fact, the REAL fact is that, those up high NOW benefited from such a wave then...... And the newer generations can NEVER get such a good opportunity as their supervisors had!
Peter: Thanks for your History lesson. It is just common sense, and it is NOT normal for people to be complained for being unhappy. As 'normal' as you described, the funny thing is that the older generation could NOT even recognise such a simple FACT. They even say that 'youngsters nowadays have more opportuities', which is WRONG. If people misunderstand you, is it also 'normal' to feel bad and complain about it? Yes, or no?!
To Frostig:
I was a placement student in the government(OGCIO) last year. I have
observed that the government is having a change in OGCIO and other departments as well. Most of staff are over 40. Therefore, you can imagine that this age group will retire in the coming 10-20 years.
The department recruits civil service staff every year. Not even OGCIO, other departments, like HKO and HK Police Force, recruit every year. In OGCIO, about 20 people are employed out of hundreds of them.
Thanks for your response. But first of all, I have worked in Gov. for much longer time then you have; second, 'in ten - twenty years' time' does not mean ANYTHING. I guess the host here, Hystericireul and myself, or even Isle would all be in a better position to comment on the government's staff structure if you would like to count on the 'experience'.
To say the least, you can hear the stories of the old days of 'how long one takes to reach a certain rank', and compare it to the current trends. And also, if people are retiring GRADUALLY (like spreading across say ten years), then it can NOT even be called a 'wave', I don't know if you agree or not. In other words, those in high positions are NOT retiring in another five, ten years; and those in junior positions are not having promotions at the same rates as the seniors did. Hope you understand what I am saying.
You know what, right before 1997, many grades even allowed special no-pay leaves for up to YEARS for people to complete the emigration procedures. THAT was when the wave of quitting or retirement happened, when the Gov. needed to enforce such special policies to retain as many CS as possible.
Actually, the young formation of the senior staff members (as from what you said, 40+ only) have EXACTLY indicated and matched with the problem we have tried hard to state. When THEY could reach THEIR current rank by 40, HOW OLD when the 20+ and even 30+ reach THOSE ranks? They need to wait until those 40-somethings RETIRE!!! THAT is nearly TWENTY YEARS later!!! So, WHAT is your point then?
You really don't need to throw out your observations in Gov. to try to convince us, because you are simply too young, boy. I understand that for YOU, 40+ means OLD, old, OLD... but actually, 40+ is still very young, and TOO young to be your direct supervisor, I am sorry to say. You will understand what I mean when you start to experience and feel more about the operation of this society.
Just give you a simple example: years ago, an ACO can be promoted to CO in ten, eleven years on average; now, it takes seventeen, eighty years in general. (Guess you would know this grade as it is common enough in Gov.) AND, please don't forget the recruitment freeze in Gov., and the huge reduction of benefits for CSs in the past decade, which has affected the demographic distribution of CS, as compared with the case in the whole society. (So, it is not a totally unbiased sample if you just look at the gov., in other words.)
Sorry to have said so much, but as you have studied computer, I reckon, logic should be important for your daily, and you 'conclusion' could not be logically derived from your observations/evidence...... Hope you can rethink what you have said and what you meant. If I have misunderstood you, then please correct me and clarify your points. If I understood it correctly, then please re-define '離職潮' and justify your points or consider my above information.
EVERY YEAR, every month, there ARE people retiring, which is NORMAL. Just like in a school, every year there is a graduation class. NOW, the problem is, there is no graduation class in the coming two years, or the class size is just half as usual...... THAT, is what 'babyboomers' are as an obstacle for gen-Xs, gen-Ys, post-80's to climb up.
Boy, hope this saying does not offend you, but you really had no idea what kind of people you have been discussing with. No need to tell us about recruitment situations in Gov., really, haha.
Sorry that I have used so much of your space to leave such a long message to Erhu2hk, as I felt obliged to clarify his concepts and the incomplete set of data.
Thank you so much for your kind understanding!